Proofreading & Editing
We carefully review message clarity, spelling, grammar, format and tone of voice so that you can hit ‘send’ with confidence.
In the final stages of writing, you might find errors that slip through the cracks. Proofreading and editing is particularly hard work when you’re so close to finishing your project!
Despite sophisticated apps such as Grammarly, SpellCheckPlus, Ginger Grammar Checker and Microsoft Word – they’re not foolproof.
When you’re at this final stage of writing, it’s a good idea to get a fresh pair of eyes to proofread and edit your copy. We can review your documents with a fine-toothed comb and pick up the errors you might be too tired to see or, that the automated spelling and grammar checkers can’t recognise.
Our proofreading and editing services can save you from the embarrassment of submitting work with mistakes in it!
We’ve got a sharp eye and a strong attention to detail.
It’s the small things that count, right? And it’s no different when it comes to writing. A document with errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, word usage, and sentence structure can seriously undermine your credibility. We help you present your writing in language that is clear and consistent while respecting and retaining your individual voice.
Let's Work Together.
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